Боздид аз Осорхонаи миллии тамаддуни Миср   09.03.2022

On March 9, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, visited the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization as part of his official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization is located in the Fustat town of Cairo on an area of 13 hectares and has fifty thousand exhibits. The museum displays the achievements of Egypt in various spheres of life from the beginning of history to the present day and tells about the stages of development of the Egyptian civilization.

Work on the creation of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization began in 2000 at the initiative of UNESCO as part of an international campaign to establish the National Museum of Civilization and the Museum of Nubia in Aswan after archaeological excavations, and the building was completed in 2021. The opening ceremony was held with the grandiose international event «Golden Parade of the Pharaohs».

Museum exhibits are presented in 9 rooms, including a large permanent exhibition dedicated to the most important achievements of Egyptian civilization, with six thematic exhibitions such as «The Dawn of Civilization», «Nile River», «Writing», «State and Society», «Material Culture». “Beliefs and Philosophy” and a gallery of mummies of pharaohs.

The museum has a large temporary exhibition space, a hall and a teaching and research center, as well as an exhibition related to the development of New Cairo. It serves as a venue for various events, including film screenings, conferences and cultural events.

The main exhibition hall of the museum houses a number of historical artifacts that give viewers a broad understanding of the Egyptian civilization of the period of the pharaohs, Greeks, Romans, Copts, Islam and modern times.

The Hall of Mummies introduces visitors to the atmosphere of the Valley of the Kings. The hall contains 20 mummies of kings, including 18 pharaohs and two queens, from the seventeenth to the twentieth dynasties. The most important of these mummies are those of King Seqenenre Tao, King Thutmose III, Queen Hatshepsut, King Ramses II and King Ramses III.

After visiting the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, with good wishes for the development and progress of the friendly country of the Arab Republic of Egypt, wrote an entry in the book of honored guests.


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